How To Design A Triboard For A Science Experiment

One of the last things that a student does when working on a science fair entry is to create their display board. While many students rely on a simple 2 dimensional piece of poster board for their display board, others go the extra mile by using a triboard for their display piece. A triboard is a great option as it is designed to stand up on its own and it offers three large panels that students can use to display information about their science experiment.

What Is a Triboard?

A triboard is basically a foam board that has been precut and reinforced so that it has two joints. The two joints segment the board into three panels. The two outer panels can be positioned so that the entire triboard stands up on a table or desk without external support. Triboards are sold in art supply, craft and office supply stores. They generally come in white and black, and occasionally they can be found in designer colors like blue or neon colors.

Panel #1 The Introduction to Your Project

The first panel of your triboard needs to be dedicated to introducing your science experiment. It will identify the hypothesis that you selected, the reason why this topic is important and it will explain how your experiment was set up. The graphic elements that this panel will contain will focus on the materials used in your experiment and the experiment set-up.

Panel #2 The Experiment

The second panel will focus on the experiment and the collection of data. This panel will have the most graphic elements. The graphics that it will need include charts, graphs and photographs. Each graphic element will need to be labeled. In addition to the graphic elements, text elements will also need to be posted on the middle panel. First of al the title of the experiment will be found on the second panel. You will also want to add text panels that describe the data that was collected.

Panel #3 Conclusions

The final panel will summarize your findings and talk about the conclusions that you have drawn. This panel will have the least amount of graphics. It will instead have bullet points that explain your results and that also explain how the data either supports or negates your hypothesis. The final panel can also include a list of questions that still need to be answered or research you think still needs to be done on your topic.