Is Magnetic Power Generation Just Junk Science
I want to reduce my carbon footprint, but, I must admit that my incentive for reducing my carbon footprint is really a selfish one. I detest paying utility bills, all my utility bills! Our electric bill has more than doubled for our household in the past 10 years, running way ahead of inflation and eating up chunks of our disposable income. No more Disneyworld vacations for a long while to come!
In today’s economy some families even have to choose between paying the electric company or not having any lights and, with the threat of Cap and Trade, look for electric bills to shoot up another 30% overnight. What can the average homeowner do that is not so expensive that there is no net savings? You could invest $1,000’s in costly solar panels or windmills to transform your home into an energy producing green giant but how many years, if ever, to recoup your investment?
The new technology for homeowners is actually old technology that has been used by big companies for years. It’s called a PMG, Permanent Magnetic Generator, or magnetic power generation.
The nature of a PMG, any magnetic power generator in fact, centers on magnetic poles attracting and repelling each other. As children we all played with magnets, right? We saw how amazing this is but, when harnessed into a little device, they create a perpetual motion device that can generate power on their own once the device is set into motion. Perpetual motion simply means the device will keep running until you stop it from running. It can run 24/7/365 with almost no maintenance. This is no longer the junk science it once was. New methods and technology now make it possible for the average do-it-yourselfer to build a homegrown magnetic electric power generator.
How does it generate electricity?
PMG generates alternating current (AC). This is free electricity that will power your home to reduce or eliminate your electric bill. And, if you generate more electricity than you consume, in most states in the U.S.A. the electric company is forced by law to compensate you for the excess power at current market price! Instead of paying the electric company each month you could be getting a check from them or, in some states, a credit applied to your electric bill each month which opens up a whole lot of ideas for some new electric appliances you can add to your home.
You may be surprised to learn that building your own PMG is cheaper and much less complicated than installing solar panels or a wind generator. Not only this, a PMG is not limited by available sunlight or wind so it can be used year-round in any climate on the globe. Magnetic power generators only require a few feet of space so they can be used in any size dwelling.
How much electricity can you expect to produce?
Well, just one PMG can replace the electric output of as many as 6 solar panels and/or one wind turbine which has to be mounted on a expensive tower. Wind and solar units also take expensive wiring or plumbing to make them viable. A permanent magnetic generator, when compared with solar and windmills, is a better bet simply because of the low cost and simplicity of operation. It makes more sense to gamble $100 testing a PMG rather than losing thousands in solar or wind that may not work in your area.