Motive Of Organizing Science Exhibitions In Schools
Lemon batteries that light up an LED, Electric motor, Circuits that are inductively coupled and the display of a human gene are all part of the Science Exhibition held at St Sophias Girls High School. The chief guest at the exhibition was the Minister for Science and Technology who was impressed with the way the exhibition was conducted. In an interview by a student journalist to what he liked about the exhibition, his answer was I cant believe the kind of inventions the children can come up with. Weve got budding scientists out here and I intend sponsoring an amount to encourage all our young scientists and the school for putting up a wonderful show.
The science teacher said that the students had worked hard over the entire month trying to research on the topics assigned to them. A Science exhibition is a display of the best of scientific inventions in which students get a better scope to exhibit their intelligence, depth of knowledge and also get the chance to know more about their zone of interest. With the help of such exhibitions, students get to know if science is really a suitable subject for them or not. They also get to know of the area of interest. In science exhibitions, students are given the task to work on different projects that are based on science. They make their projects and make their presentations through power point or while others learn up the description and explain it verbally.
They are given marks with the help of which they are promoted for the next level of the exhibition which can be of the district, state or national level. In India, every year February 28th is observed as the National Science Day and it has proved to be a good opportunity for different schools to support science education and its communication in the country which coincides with Sir C.V Ramans birthday. In 1930, Sir C.V. was honored with noble prize for physics for discovering the Raman Effect. After the country got its independence, the Government of India appointed him as the first National Professor. Science day is celebrated every year with a motive that everybody should remember C. V. Ramans contribution to the country and also as a way of paying respect and honor to the great soul. Science and technology have become one of the most important pillars of the economy of the country.
Technology has made changes in the business models of the companies throughout the world. The concept of science exhibitions has been imbibed from the European education pattern and their culture. In almost every school, science exhibitions are held every year or even half yearly. Such exhibitions are organized by the schools just to encourage the students for research work and make them enthusiastic. In such exhibitions, the work of the teachers is to collect all the names of the students who are interested in participating in it and will make a project that is based on science and technology. Such exhibitions provide the students with a great platform to exhibit their creative work. It gives the children a feeling to involve themselves more in such projects and also gives them the courage to make presentations of their projects.