The Science City is located in the east Kolkata and it is one of the most visited place by adults and young people equally. Reason for that is a number of attractions, fun, education and entertainment that Science City is offering to visitors. It is a great way to escape from everyday life and see some interesting things.
The Science City is newest Kolkata’s attraction for tourists and also a masterpiece of architecture. But this wonderful museum is more than just a nice architecture, this is a museum that hosts a number of scientific applications and it is first such institution in India. There are different sections of this complex and some of them are Dynamotion, Space Odyssey, Life Science Corners, Toy Train and Ropeway, Science Park, the Dinosaur Complex and many more.
The Space Theatre is the main attraction of the Science City and it is a circular auditorium which reminds of an inverted bowl. Visitors most liked attraction is the musical fountain with lights in different colors and water jets that wave to the sound and rhythm of music.
This museum has a huge convention center complex and main auditorium has a capacity of 2300 people. It is equipped with all modern tools and side auditorium can accept around 450 people. There are also 8 halls in building next to this and their capacity varies from 200 to 250 people. All these halls are air conditioned and equipped with latest audio and visual systems. Behind the main auditorium is a large open field. In the lounges Bengal Gallery, Mukta Mancha and Durga Mandap are organized scientific exhibitions and food plaza.
The Science City is a product of the National Council of Science Museums and one of the most interesting place for tourists that come in huge numbers daily. If you want to experience an earthquake or a tornado, then this is the place because this museum can give you simulation of both. There is also a huge collection of birds and insects and for those who like ancient history there are dinosaur models. It is also a great place to take children because they can learn a lot and the same time to have fun.
Dynamotion Hall offers a few interesting exhibitions such are Illusions, Powers of Ten, Fresh Water Aquarium and Live Butterfly Enclave. Illusions are interactive exhibitions that will help you learn something new about visual perception. Powers of Ten is a great opportunity to learn more about space through 43 exhibits. Fresh Water Aquarium hosts 26 tanks with a number of different water fishes while Live Butterfly Enclave hosts a huge colony of live butterflies.
Evolution Park is spread over 1300 square meters and hosts 71 robitic animals from pre-history, 140 plant models and 26 dinosaurs. That is a place where you can learn more about pre-historic life and evolution.
Space Odyssey offering entertainment such are 3D Vision Theater, Mirror Magic and Time machine where you can learn more about light and space.
Maritime Centre hosts history of India, dioramas, artifacts, interactive shows and so much more about shipping and navigation systems.
Science TBC
Just information about science