There is a great old book called “The Science of Getting Rich” written in 1911 by a man named Wallace Wattles. The book was the inspiration for “The Secret” a movie all about the law of attraction. Although “The Science of Getting Rich” is about the law of attraction, it never calls it that, even so this book is perhaps the best reference about using the law and putting it into action in your life.
Basically using the law of attraction boils down to setting up a daily cycle in your life.
Steps To Success UsingThe Science of Getting Rich
1.Visualize an outcome see the result 2.Take note of the ideas that come to mind 3.See the world in the context of this vision 4.Notice new things, create a mindset that appreciates things rather than discounts them 5.Add in these things to your vision and let the vision morph 6.Take action in anyway that you can on these ideas and on your vision 7.Repeat morning and night every day
Science of Getting Rich Lifes Compass
In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles states: “You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want; you cannot transmit an idea before you have it yourself. You must have it before you can give it; and many people fail to impress Thinking Substance because they have themselves only a vague and misty concept of the things they want to do, have, or to become.”
If you close your eyes right now can you see a picture of what you want in your life? Can you step into it and feel, smell, and hear? Wattles says: It is not enough that you should have a general desire for wealth “to do good with” everybody has that desire.
The Science of Getting Rich talks about a sensory rich vision as the first step. This is a vision powerful enough to inspire and motivate you to take action to make the vision a reality. How can you have something if you dont really know what it is. Vague or general ideas are no different from seeing something on TV and then the next day trying to describe the show to a Friend. You have some of it but much of the detail is gone.
Future Vision The Science of Getting Rich Style
In your vision the only way to fill it in is to go through it over and over, perhaps take some notes. Include in your notes how it makes you feel? What do you hear? Who is there with you? Is the scent of sandalwood in the air? Experience it all, put it all down and on successive days fill in the details and intensify the vision. Spend time contemplating this picture.
As you go through the day find moments to bring your vision to mind just long enough to appreciate it and be grateful for it. Continue this process as the first step of the law of attraction daily cycle.
Learn to use The Science of Getting Rich as your own secret weapon and as your key to success and creation.